Tag Archives: GTD

Best is the enemy of good

CountdownWe’re always On. We’re all increasingly aware that we’ve moved into a world that demands ever more from us in terms of attention. Tags in social media, pulls from family, smart phones connecting you to the entire world in your pocket, work, 24×7 news, texts, WhatsApp. It’s draining and we’re all adjusting to how best to operate. Techniques to cope with it all are in every magazine.. mindfulness, meditation, Getting Things Done.

One thing which may help is  to reflect on the aphorism that Voltaire wrote in his Dictionnaire philosophique in 1770: best is the enemy of good

We’ve got to get comfortable with knowing when enough is enough. It’s the only way we’re going to cope with the demands that threaten to drown us if we don’t take a different approach. Do what’s good enough then move on – anything further leads to diminishing returns.

Case in point is this blog. I’ve had it in development for months, never quite committing to it until I’d understood WordPress better or until things were quieter at work. A quote from Robert Watson-Watt, a pioneer of radar, resonates strongly with me. He suggested the “cult of the imperfect”, based on his view that at times of need “Give them the third best to go on with; the second best comes too late; the best never comes”.

So think what you can do today to get comfortable with being more imperfect than yesterday.